We are a small local company in Tampere, and our business is about boat charter in lake Pyhäjärvi. Officially this company is having one employee and a boat, but in practice very few thing are possible without support from back office whatever is the demand (from boat maintenance to online pages). We look forward to offer boat charter during July, but also evenings and weekends are enabled during May, June and August. We are not so seriously engaged to nine-to-five opening hours, but look forward to plan available times according to weather forecasts and other events.

You driver (Joni) has needed license to operate boat (up to 12 passengers and 24m length), and a degree about coastal navigation. Having passenger also means there has to be sufficient first-aid qualification, which is having abbreviation EA1 in Finland. Like any traffic on the roads there is good deal of laws and rules when navigating on the lake (or sea), and idea is to develop this competence on need basis. Otherwise there is experience about 35 years and different kinds of boats, starting from famous Hans Groop H-boat.

Our boat Mariza (T44649) was made by artesan Pekka Eloranta according to Kuggom design for the body itself, and boat was ready for the first registration on 2006. For a wooden boat this is quite nice to maintain due to special waterproof construction for body parts below the waterline. Length of the boat is approximately 7m, width 2.2m and weigth about 2000kg. Boat engine is Mercruiser 5.7 V8 having 260hp. There is annual inspection for the boat and equipment, and class 3 requirements have been followed (good for lakes).

Sunny day at lake can continue at harbor, where to enjoy also those numerous services and do some paperwork. At the same time we check the next day program and what is the weather forecast. In addition to updates in these pages we are also have new material in Instagram, and this is taken care by Krista whenever possible and having some nice new pictures to share.

Welcome onboard!

Team vaporetto.fi 

Joni and Krista